- Vida Tirilis - Natures Sculpture
- Kay Woollam - Sunset over Halong Bay
- Linda Wiesner - Cowboy and his Steed
- Gerard Baron - The snow monkeys in Nagano
- Mike Robinson - Snowy owl in flight
- David Clow - Moody Blues
- Tracey Scanlon - Dimpled Snow
- Aneta Zimnicki - Peek a boo
- Eros Fiacconi - Daybreak on the Lake
- Hilarie McNeil-Smith - I was here first!
- Lori Kidd - Beach Memory
- Karin McDonald - The Gyrfalcon
- Jon Clarke - Whispers of Seraphim
- Raymond Eng - Checking the sports section
- Vincent Filteau - Prince Rupert
- Headley Brown - The Path
- Patricia Griesser - March in the Canyon
- Melanie Morrison - Tree Swallow Feeding Chick
- Lori Metcalfe - Proud Vixen Feeding Her Kits
- Hilarie McNeil-Smith - somebody's cutie
- Aneta Zimnicki - Tommy
- Liz Murray - Ewe and Lamb MCC
- Karin McDonald - Brooklyn Bridge
- Mike Feraco - Library
- Shane Rao Sinclair - Border Collie Jumping
- Myra Jones - Cormorants
- Lori Kidd - Angels' Snowflakes
- Cathleen MacDonald - At the Powwow
- Paule Dion - Blue heron eating fish
- Sorin Alb - Hercules
- Eros Fiacconi - Muskrat Taking Care of Busines
- Garry Weiler - Puffin Portrait
- David Clow - Spotted Lake
- Melanie Morrison - Heron flying through the fog
- Joe DiLecce - Cooper
- Pradipta Datta - Chicago River Towers
- Kay Woollam - Collage in Pink
- Karin McDonald - Finneas Flynn
- David Clow - A Wee bit of Rain
- Lori Kidd - Lighthouse Sunset
- Tracey Scanlon - A Dream of Flight
- Linda Wiesner - Big sky over Lighthouse
- Gerard Baron - Cherry Blossom in Japan
- Shane Rao Sinclair - Christ the Redeemer at Sunset
- Michael Lemiski - Racing Through the Storm
- Sophie Matta - Monarch Seeking Nectar
- Tracey Scanlon - Ironing in Egyptian Market
- John (Giovanni) Colonna - Silver Spotted Skipper on Flow
- Dana Benadova - Dog's Twirl
- Sang S. Duong - Wolf Ready to Nap
- Andrea Page - Tetragnatha Striata Orbweaver
- Sang S. Duong - Lucy
- Andrea Page - Dragonfly Dessert
- Michael Lemiski - Blue Heron in a Knot
- Kay Woollam - Field of Poppies
- Melanie Morrison - Loon flapping its wings
- Sandro DelRe - Thinking About Math
- Liz Murray - Peekaboo Owlet MCC
- Vincent Filteau - Green Heron
- Gerard Baron - The morning walk
- Lori Metcalfe - Adopted And So Loved
- Paule Dion - Curacao Boka Pistol
- Raymond Eng - Grand River Cambridge
- Mike Robinson - Playful dolphins
- Garry Weiler - Pond in Newfoundland
- Paule Dion - Moose eating leaves
- Leonie Holmes - Mixed Colors
- Cathleen MacDonald - Ringbill Gull Pair
- Hilary Ottley - Wood Everywhere
- Karin McDonald - Centre of Radiance
- Raymond Eng - I Am Hungry
- Cid Negri - Hawk Looking for Lunch
- Aneta Zimnicki - Ram
- Paule Dion - Hungry Hummingbird
- Eros Fiacconi - A Golden Sunset on the Pacific
- Liz Murray - Hummingbird MCC
- Michael Lemiski - The Line Up
- Dana Benadova - Posing Gracefully
- Shane Rao Sinclair - One in a Million--Istanbul Cat
- Sorin Alb - Beasties Forever
- Eros Fiacconi - Adventure Cat, Instagram Star
- Pat Donaldson - Beanie at six weeks
- Marwan Sati - PrecisionFisher
- Brien Thomson - Grasshopper on Branch
- Aneta Zimnicki - Look I can touch my nose
- Sorin Alb - Metallic Vision
- Leonie Holmes - Purple Haze
- Andrea Page - Bushwack to Beaver Lake
- Myra Jones - Peggys Cove
- Kevin Espinosa - Soulful Gaze
- Mike Feraco - Brownie Movie Camera
- Sorin Alb - Howl-o-ween
- Tracey Scanlon - Jimmy in his Suit
- Melanie Morrison - Tern Feeding Chick
- Sang S. Duong - A New Chapter
- Shane Rao Sinclair - The Mind of the Stampede Girl
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