
Presenter: Peter Van Rhijn

What has fueled Peter’s photo- graphic activity over the years was the production of AV shows and, as a spin o from that: stock photography. His 3-pro- jector medium-format shows were seen in many places in North America, and “Strength in Beauty” was presented to close the very rst meeting of the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) in Fort Meyers FL. Peter is an associate of the New England Council of Camera Clubs (ANEC) and an honorary member of the Mississauga Camera Club and the Don Mills Camera Club. Peter has been active in competition judging and delivering workshops and presentations to Camera Clubs throughout North America. Since his retirement from medicine nature photography has become Peter’s main passion. From the very beginning Peter has been preoccupied with the various reasons why images succeed or fail. In this presentation about images of large and ‘intimate’ landscapes he shows examples and demonstrates the magic we can Ariel will discuss gear, planning your shoot, camera settings, finding work in the eld, but also in the digital darkroom to help images succeed. Members who have not attended any of Peter’s talks before might want to review the chapter “The Ingredients” on Peter’s website:


06 Feb 2020


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm