Workshop: Life Appreciation Photography – Part 1 of 2 – Steve Balke

Topic: Life Appreciation Photography – Part 1 of 2 
Presenter: Steve Balke
Date: October 24, 2020

Introduction – The Life Appreciation Photography of Steve Balke

A perspective on who we really are: photographs appreciating the beauty and diversity of life that surrounds us.

Photography enables us to recognize, enjoy and understand life around us. How to do this for lifeforms other than our own is the subject of this workshop. Birds and other animals, bugs, flowers, plants and trees are all included. This workshop will be delivered in two parts.

Part I:  Life Appreciation Photography:  Definition, Motivation and Evoking Emotion in Images

Conventional Nature Photography stresses rigorous honesty in images and surreptitious observation of subjects. Life Appreciation Photography emphasizes images that evoke emotion and educate us, while preserving subject realism. Often lifeforms observe us as we observe them. Such communing with Nature has been extensively shown in studies to be beneficial to us in so many ways. How to evoke emotion in our images comprises the main subject of this part of the workshop. Steve presents a new, simple method for identifying suitable subjects and taking into account the viewing audience.  He will show plenty of example images for us to assess and discuss.


Time: 9:00 am until 10:30 am

For MCC Members:

The cost of each Workshop is $15, paid through the online registration system in the Members’ portal. See the On-line Registration page for details on how to use ORS. Normally workshops are held in person but for the 2020-2021 season all Workshops will be virtual, using the ZOOM platform.

For MCC Guests:

Non-members are welcome to attend our Workshops at the same price as members, $15.  To register for a Workshop send an email to:   A link will be sent to enable you to pay online. Once payment has been received, a ZOOM link will be provided. Please ensure your email address is correct. You must register at least 48 hours in advance.   If you have questions, please reach out to:



24 Oct 2020


9:00 am - 10:30 am


Zoom Meeting
