CANCELLED – Workshop: HDR – Bob Warren

January 18, 2020

Topic: HDR

Presenter: Bob Warren

This is a hands-on workshop introducing HDR photography.

The dynamic range of the light photographers deal with often exceeds a camera’s ability to capture it fully, so it is often impossible to capture the full lighting range of a scene with a single exposure. HDR photography captures more fully the range of light. It’s a process combining 3 or more bracketed exposures, each with a different exposure level, into one image. To begin, those 3 or more exposures are loaded into the software program Photomatix, which permits the manipulation of the 3 (or more) into 1 final image. That final image is then sent back to a photo processing program (PS, LR, etc.) for final editing.

Attendees will be invited to go outside and shoot some bracketed exposures. These images will then be downloaded into your laptops and I will guide you in the processing.

Alternately, or in case of bad weather, consider bringing some sample bracketed images with you.

Therefore, I suggest the following:

      • Ensure that your camera allows you to take bracketed photos

      • Bring a laptop or i-pad with you, since this will be a hands-on workshop. Have a photo processing program on the device – Elements, PhotoShop, Lightroom, etc.

      • Prior to the workshop, download the trial version of Photomatix Pro 6.1 (or whatever the latest version is at that time) from their website HDRSoft. This trial version is free, it never expires and simply watermarks your images. The links below will guide you to the website.


You can download Photomatix Pro 6.1 for Windows by clicking on the link below:

     Download Photomatix 6.1 for Windows

     This is for Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP – 64-bit / 32-bit.


You can download Photomatix Pro 6.1 for macOS by clicking on the link below:

     Download Photomatix 6.1 for macOS.

    This is for macOS 10.8 through Catalina.

For more information, my contact information is:

Time: 9:00 am until Noon


09 May 2020


9:00 am - 12:00 pm




Bob Warren